Services 2023-03-29T10:56:10-06:00

Consulting Area

Consulting Area

Combining scientific analysis capacities, global experience, and in-depth knowledge of Mexican institutions, our services offer innovative and permanent solutions and recommendations. In order to enhance their implementation, we also partner with leading organizations in economy, finance, organized civil society, academia, and public sectors in Mexico and abroad.

Our main services include:

  • Analysis and Foresight Models with Economic and Corporate Intelligence Systems

  • Early Warning Systems

  • Monitoring and Evaluating Public Policy Models

  • Smart Budget Models

  • Benchmarking Models and Best Practices

  • Transparency and Accountability Instruments

  • Citizen Participation Instruments

Combining scientific analysis capacities, global experience, and in-depth knowledge of Mexican institutions, our services offer innovative and permanent solutions and recommendations. In order to enhance their implementation, we also partner with leading organizations in economy, finance, organized civil society, academia, and public sectors in Mexico and abroad.

Our main services include:

  • Analysis and Foresight Models with Economic and Corporate Intelligence Systems

  • Early Warning Systems

  • Monitoring and Evaluating Public Policy Models

  • Smart Budget Models

  • Benchmarking Models and Best Practices

  • Transparency and Accountability Instruments

  • Citizen Participation Instruments

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Successful Cases

Design & Implementation of the Citizen Participation Index in the Environmental Sector (Semarnat) 
To create a systematization and analysis tool that measures the level and impact citizen participation has in the environmental sector.

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Methodological Design for the Evaluation of Compliance with the 2nd General Program for Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination Towards Women in Mexico City 2013-2018
Objectives: To achieve methodological design that annually evaluates the progress in complying with the 2nd General Program for Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination Towards Women in Mexico City 2013-2018.
To design an instrument that, by collecting information, can diagnose public entities’ situation in the GDF concerning the level of compliance of the 2°PGIODM-CM.

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/Fraccion%20I%20Marco%20Normativo/pdfs/Segundo ProgramaIgualdadOportunidades_2013.pdf

Qualitative Evaluation Report of the Project’s Impact on Citizenship Building and its Incidence on Environmental Public Policies.
Objectives: To evaluate the results of “Building citizenship and spaces for involvement in sustainable development” 2008-2013;
To design the new UNDP-Semarnat project “Strengthening Citizen Involvement & Environmental Governance to Reach Sustainability” (2014-2019), after analyzing their results and identifying actions to enhance citizen involvement both in environmental public policies and in the logical framework methodology, and
To collect and analyze information from a hybrid perspective, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches and techniques.

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Successful Cases

Design & Implementation of the Citizen Participation Index in the Environmental Sector (Semarnat) 

Purpose: To create a systematization and analysis tool that measures the level and impact citizen participation has in the environmental sector.

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Methodological Design for the Evaluation of Compliance with the 2nd General Program for Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination Towards Women in Mexico City 2013-2018

Objectives: To achieve methodological design that annually evaluates the progress in complying with the 2nd General Program for Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination Towards Women in Mexico City 2013-2018.
To design an instrument that, by collecting information, can diagnose public entities’ situation in the GDF concerning the level of compliance of the 2°PGIODM-CM.

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Qualitative Evaluation Report of the Project’s Impact on Citizenship Building and its Incidence on Environmental Public Policies.

Objectives: To evaluate the results of “Building citizenship and spaces for involvement in sustainable development”2008-2013;
To design the new UNDP-Semarnat project “Strengthening Citizen Involvement & Environmental Governance to Reach Sustainability” (2014-2019), after analyzing their results and identifying actions to enhance citizen involvement both in environmental public policies and in the logical framework methodology, and
To collect and analyze information from a hybrid perspective, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches and techniques.

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